Co-edited Books

Latin America: On the road to sustainable peace: tools and contributions (Only Spanish)
Authors: Serena Eréndira Serrano Oswald, Úrsula Oswald Spring, Diana de la Rúa Eugenio
Editing: Respuesta Para La Paz - Latin American Peace Research Council
The book recovers an important part of the collective memory and diverse experiences that have been developed in different Latin American countries in favor of a culture of peace in the hands of researchers, practitioners, professionals, students, and decision-makers. From a collective effort, it builds a platform around the democratization processes in the region that dates back to the 1980s and the peace negotiations in Central America have been aimed at overcoming the practices of political repressions, such as political prisoners, disappearances, and extrajudicial executions. It documents that despite the precariousness and violence among Latin American youth, there has been an impact on education and the promotion of peace. The book also analyzes emerging problems, aggravated by historical lags, in order to influence changes in the conflictive arena and thus propose an agenda for sustainable peace and structural security, engendered and culturally rooted, where peace is addressed in an interactive, multidisciplinary, creative, and proactive manner.
Community Mediation: Challenges and alternatives for conflict resolution in society. (Only Spanish)
Authors: Med. Diana de la Rúa Eugenio
Foreword: Rasa Rozemblum de Horowitz

Co-edited publications and members of the organization.
- "Mediación en la escuela, resolución de conflictos en el ámbito educativo adolescente."
- "Trascender y transformar: una introducción al trabajo de conflictos" Johan Galtung Ed. Quimera
- "SABONA: En busca de buenas soluciones. Aprendiendo a resolver conflictos." Fernando Montiel, Johan Galtung. Transcend University Press- Colección popular
- "Searching for Peace: The road to Transcend" Galtung, J- Jacobsen Carl G
- "25 paisajes intelectuales explorados" Johan Galtung
- "Fuenteovejuna o caos ecológico" Úrsula Oswald, editora.
- "Mediación: Convivencia y Resolución de conflictos en la comunidad" Sara Rozemblum de Horowitz
- "Reconceptualizar la seguridad en el Siglo XXI: Retos de la investigación del agua en México" Ursula Oswald Spring
- "Reconciliation: Clearing the past, Building a Future" - Joanna santa Barbara, Johan Galtung, Diana Perlman
- "A theory of development: overcoming structural violence"Johan Galtung
- "A theory of conflict: overcoming direct violence" Johan Galtung
- "The Fall of the U.S Empire- and then what?: Successors, Regionalization or globalization? US Fascism or US blossoming?" Johan Galtung
- Globalizing God: Religion, Spirituality and Peace" " Johan Galtung and Graeme MacQueeen
- "Democracy- Peace- Development" Johan Galtung and Paul D. Scott
- "100 peace and conflict perspectives" Johan Galtung
- "Peace Journalism: " Galtung editorials on peace and war" Antonio Carlos Da Silva Rosa.
- "La meta es el camino: Gandhi Hoy "Johan Galtung"
- Mediación: Una respuesta interdisciplinaria
- "Mediación y Revinculación: Un Proceso de cura para la familia" Sara Rozemblum de Horowitz
- "Resolución noviolenta de conflictos en sociedades indígenas y minorías". Úrsula Oswald, editora.
- "El valor del agua : una visión socioeconómica de un conflicto ambiental" Úrsula Oswald, editora.
- "Culturas de Paz: Seguridad y Democracia en America Latina" Mario Salinas- Úrsula Oswald, editora.